



This pillar, in the masjid an-Nabawi, is popularly known as “The Pillar of Tawbah (Repentance)” or “The Pillar of Abu Lubabah.Pillar of Tawbah is situated within the Rawdha of Nabi , it is the 4th pillar from the Prophet’s pulpit and 3rd from the QiblahAbu Lubabah R.A. tied himself to the pillar of Masjid un-Nabi. Islamic History recorded that Abu Lubabah tied to the same pillar where Thumamah Ibn Uthal before embracing Islam was tied. 

The Qurayzah had a long-standing alliance with the Aws and during the siege asked to confer with Abu Lubabah R.A. According to Ibn Ishaq, Abu Lubabah ibn Abdal-Mundhir R.A. felt pity for the women and children of the tribe who were crying and when asked whether the Qurayzah should surrender to Rasulullah , advised them to do so. However Abu Lubabah ibn Abdal-Mundhir R.A. made a sign with his hand toward his throat, indicating that (their fate) would be slaughter (killed). After Abu Lubabah ibn Abdal-Mundhir R.A. had left, the Banu Qurayzah unconditionally surrendered. Abu Lubabah R.A. regretted his actions, stating: “My feet had not moved away from the spot before I knew I had been false to Allah and Rasulullah”. Abu Lubabah ibn Abdal-Mundhir R.A. then went to the mosque in Madinah, tied himself to a pillar and declared: “I will not leave this place until Allah forgives me for what I have done”. Abu Lubabah ibn Abdal-Mundhir R.A. also added that he would never enter the locality of Banu Qurayzah in recompense for the deadly mistake he made. When Rasulullah  was informed of this incident, Rasulullah  said: “I would have begged Allah to forgive him if he had asked me but since he tied himself out of his own free will, then it is Allah Who would turn to him in forgiveness.” Abu Lubabah R.A. stayed tied for seven days and nights. At the time of the daily prayers his wife came to the masjid and untied him. After finishing prayer Abu Lubabah R.A. tied himself again. Previously he refused eating and drinking, in this state he repented. He didn’t lose his trust to Allah and His forgiveness. For seven days and nights tying himself without food and drinks Rasulullah  came to untie Abu Lubabah Abdal Mundhir R.A. Rasulullah  did accept the repentant of Abu Lubabah Abdal Mundhir R.A. earlier but because of his insistence to know for sure that his repentance is bestowed by Allah SWT which later Allah revealed the verses of the Qur’an to Rasulullah  when he was in Umm Salamah’s house as noted by Ibn Hisham. Umm Salamah stated: “One day, at dawn, I saw Rasulullah happy and smiling. “May Allah always keep you smiling, what is the reason for it?” I asked. Rasulullah  said, “Jibrail has informed me that Abu Lubabah’s repentance has been accepted.” “Do I have your permission to inform him of the good news?” I asked. “You may if you wish,” he answered. From inside the room I called out: “Glad tidings, O Abu Lubabah! Allah has accepted your repentance.” The companions wanted to untie him but he ordered it to Rasulullah  to do. When Rasulullah  arrived in the masjid for Fajr prayer he untied Abu Lubabah from the pillar which stands even today. Ibn Dausi (died 1200) stated ten more people tied themselves to pillars.

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